How to Keep Your Land Rover in Good Shape: Daily and Weekly Checks

Although designed and manufactured as one of the most reliable and durable cars, your Land Rover still needs love and care. People who devote some time and effort to their Land Rover vehicles can enjoy the ultimate driving experience. Keeping it clean and in a well-ventilated area is a good thing to start with, as it will preserve the paint and prevent rust.


Here, we will be talking about a more technical side of Land Rover maintenance that will help keep your Land Rover in good shape. To make it easy for you, as a lot of people are new to this, we have divided the Land Rover maintenance tips into two categories: daily and weekly checks.

When to Seek Qualified Assistance?

When you check your tires, make sure to assess the tire wear. If you can notice uneven tire wear, you should seek authorized assistance. The various fluid levels can vary, but you should seek assistance when any the fluid levels suddenly drop.


Staying consistent with this practice will help you avoid damaging your vehicle, and more importantly, prevent accidents that might lead to serious injuries or death.

Land Rover Daily Checks

Daily Land Rover checks are pretty straightforward. You will have to assess your vehicle systems’ functionality. Start by checking the operation of the seat belts while the car engine is off. Make sure to double-check all seat belts in the car and make sure that they can buckle/unbuckle with ease. Also, make sure to pull the belts to check whether the internal belt-break system is working.


The next thing that you want to check is the operation of lights. To preserve the battery power, put your key in and turn on the engine. Make sure that your parking brake is engaged before doing so. Turn on the lights and exit the vehicle.


Check the position lights located in the back, as well as the lights in front. The next thing is your turn signals. Turn left, then right one on and exit the vehicle to check whether all 4 bulbs on both sides are functional. Turn on warning lamps and check these as well.


Turn on your wipers and washers to make sure that they are working properly. Finally, test your horn. While the engine is still on, make sure to cross-examine the dashboard and see if there are any warning signals apart from the parking brake light on. Move your vehicle slightly to the back or front, engage the parking brake again and exit your Land Rover.


Check the floor for any signs of fluid deposits that might have formed underneath the vehicle. If there is any, this may indicate a leak and you will need to contact an authorized service. If it is the water from the Air Condition system, you are in the green, as condensation drips are a regular occurrence.

Land Rover Weekly Checks

Weekly checks are mandatory if you want to enjoy a safe drive in your Land Rover, preserve engine health and minimize the risk of car damage and on-road incidents.



The first thing you want to check is the engine oil level. If there is no oil dipstick, you can check the oil level by using the onboard computer.


Switch on the ignition, click ok, navigate to Service Menu near the bottom, click on it and then click on Oil Level Display to see where your oil level is. Please note that if you drive your Land Rover for prolonged periods and at high speeds, you should check the engine oil level more frequently.


If you know how to lift the hood on your Land Rover, you can skip the next part.



Before you can perform some of your weekly Land Rover Checks, you will have to lift the hood on your vehicle. Before you do so, you want to make sure that the ignition is turned off.


Remove your smart key from the vehicle as well. This will prevent some common injuries that can occur if you fail to do so. You can easily open the hood on your car by releasing the hood securing latch.


To do it, you will have to pull the handle located in the left-side front footwell, approximately where your left knee is when you are sitting in the driver's seat. Once you do it, you can locate the safety catch below the center point of the hood, lift it, and raise the hood.


The engine coolant is a very important fluid in your car. It helps preserve the engine by keeping its working temperature at an optimal level. This is why you should check it on a weekly basis. If the level drops slightly, make sure to refill it with the appropriate engine coolant.


Next in line is the brake fluid. Maintaining a brake fluid level consistently is of utmost importance to ensure the functionality of your breaks. It will also prevent possible accidents that might result in injury or death. Make sure that the brake fluid is within the optimal measurements before you move on to the next checkup.


Screen washer fluid is not as important as other fluids, but it is still important to check it. This will allow you to remove dried water mixed with dust from your windshield and, at the same time, preserve the gum on the wipers.


Check the engine, in general, to see if there are any leaks and to assess the condition under the hood. If you spot some abnormalities, contact the authorized service for advice.


Before closing the hood, you want to make sure that there is nothing obstructing the closing area, especially your hands. Stand in front of the vehicle, place your both hands on the top of the hood and let it drop for 20–50 cm. Try to lift it to see whether it is properly locked in. If it is not, repeat the process by applying slightly more force.


That’s it. Now you know how to keep your Land Rover in good shape. Stay consistent with these daily and weekly checks and you will be able to enjoy the comfortable driving experience that only Land Rover can provide.



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